a sampling of offerings

  • Foundations of Racial Equity, Social Justice and Belonging (for organizations beginning their journey)

  • Integrating and Embodying a Transformational Approach: Deepening for Racial Equity and Social Justice Practitioners (“the people who support the people”)

  • Introduction to the Bodhi Embodying Belonging and Coliberation Frame

  • Growing Relational Culture in Organizations and Institutions   

  • Applying a Transformational Equity and Belonging Lens

  • Supervising for Equity and Belonging

  • Nurturing Our Roots and Soil: Rest-in-Our-Interconnectedness, and the Power of Pause for Coliberation

  • Racial and other identity-based caucusing, using the Embodying Belonging and Coliberation Frame. 

  • Perceiving through Plurality:  Queer and Spirit-Driven Approaches to Liberatory Relationship

  • Centering Our Health, Histories, Spirit, and Strength (for BIPOC practitioners)

  • Embodying Transformational Ways of Being for Antiracist, White Accomplices (for white practitioners)

  • Strategic Alignment and Organizational Process Design 

  • Building Spirit and Resilience in Leadership and Activism (offered in BIPOC and White caucus spaces, as well as for multracial groups)

  • Relational Assessment of Organizational Culture, Policies, Programs and/or Practices

  • Writing for Coliberation and Belonging: Holistic Anti-Oppressive and Queer-led Coaching and Editing for Authors of Transformative Text

  • Communicating complexity with clarity and care. We offer one-to-one and small-group writing coaching and editing to support authors who are moving anti-oppressive spirit and practice through written text, and to help craft communications about complex issues with clarity, care, and transformational purpose.