our approach, and what to expect


Our work integrates arts, mindfulness, embodiment, ecological and social storytelling, and other ways of making meaning that heal the disembodiment which colonization and systemic racism impose, and that connect us with the abundant knowledges of human and non-human living systems (see also what we seek to heal).

We integrate earth-and-cosmos-based knowledges and practices; understandings of the modern project, colonization, and white supremacy; queer liberation and theory; love and eros in all forms; social artistry and naturopathy; and wisdom traditions from around the world.

what you can expect in a Bodhi collaboration:

  • A spiritual-political commitment to centering collective health for all living systems in practice. In order to center collective health for all living systems, we recognize, name, and engage with all forms of colonial power, institutionalized inequities, and other oppressive realities that harm and threaten life. 

  • Relating and learning responsibly with other living systems. Exploring our inherent interconnectedness with nonhuman living beings and learning how to learn from others’ relations in our wider ecology improves our understanding of how life is organized beyond our narrow experiences and frames.  We ground this learning in Bodhi’s Frame.

  • Experiential and reflexive learning. The spaces and programs we offer are designed to support participants’ collective health, well-being and coliberation. This means we create and hold strong, generative containers for emergent learning, and provide space and time to reflect on the process. 

  • Commitment to creative, mindful and embodied practices. Artistic and other creative practices, mindfulness, and different forms of embodiment not only benefit health but can create space for our minds, hearts, and bodies to be and become otherwise.

  • Valuing contradiction. Bodhi takes a ‘both/and,’ nonbinary approach to life, learning, and organizational practice. We recognize and value the teachings of multiplicity and contradiction in our efforts to heal, and actively engage tensions, contradictions, and resistances as ways of knowing.

  • Sharing resources. Through working with Bodhi, you will gain access to internal and external resources for learning and inspiration which can inform choices that are aligned with your values, relationships, and the collective health and co-liberation of all living systems. For example, if you are participating in one of our series, you may also work with a liaison that will offer support and encouragement to continue your work between sessions.